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Michael & Lisa's         Story

Lisa's Testimony


Hi my name is Lisa. I grew up in Drimnagh in Dublin. I was the oldest of 6 children. I was always very unhappy as a child. I used to feel very unloved growing up and I suffered a lot from anxiety and fear. I never really fitted in i always felt i didn't belong I felt very different to everyone because i always had an attraction to the light it was the only place i ever felt safe. I always believed in God and prayed to God and i always wanted to please him. As a teen-ager i suffered very bad from mental health and low self image so i decided to reach out for help. So on my journey I met some great Christian counselors who I believe god used to prepare me for Christianity. So one day in my job a girl had an add on the wall for people to come for prayer to a church if they suffered from anxiety or depression and i jumped straight on it and asked her about it and she said it was her brothers church and she brought me and my friend the following Sunday and i gave my life to jesus that day. I got an incredible touch from the holy spirit that day. I woke up the next day knowing with a very deep sense in my heart that god loved me very much but i didn't really quite get it so i never went back and my mental health got worse. I remember I was out in a night club one night and i was so bad that I got on my knees in the toilet and begged jesus to help me and about a week later my sister told me about a church she was told about not too far from me and she said i would love it because i was always talking about god which i was but i just didn't know him the way he desired me to know him. So I ended up having a dream about jesus the night before the Sunday that i decided to go and in the dream jesus brought me on a journey through my childhood and gave me a wonderful message at the end about why i went through all my suffering but i thought nothing of it because i thought it didn't mean much until a few weeks later when i finally understood the true meaning of the dream and i also realised that the building that my church was in was the exact same church where jesus was talking to me in the dream. So the lord was really confirming to me that i was on the right path so I stayed in that church for 16 years where I really got to know gods love for me. The lord also brought me on a journey through all those years of mental and emotional healing. He totally transformed me in to a brand new person with hope joy peace and Freedom which i then wanted to share with others which led to me to discovering that i had a huge burden for the lost. It was through the lockdown then that I started to feel i needed a change i felt i was outgrowing the church I was in i just felt i needed more  So I decided to leave and prayed for a new church and that's how I became part of adulum. My husband had known Stephen and Margaret for years and I decided to visit the church one day and i just knew deep in my heart this is where god wanted me. It's an amazing church I love been part of it. I get to use my gifts and i feel like I'm equal to everyone. I do an outreach every week very close to where I live and we meet some amazing people and I'm part of running a women's group once a month which I love. I just really want to be used by the lord to work for his kingdom and I'm really looking forward to seeing what the lord has for me as I journey on with him in to my next season.


Michael’s testimony.


My name is Michael and I grew up in Clondalkin on Dublin’s south west side. I was the eldest of five children and my father was a chronic alcoholic and extremely violent and abusive. I grew up hating my father and when I was fourteen years of age a teacher in my school introduced me to the republican movement. I spent the next thirty years of my life  involved with that particular movement. In 1995, I had a serious accident in work and I hurt and damaged my back very badly. I require an operation in order to try and sort the problem out. As a result of my operation I unfortunately got addicted codeine. At one point I was taking ninety four  nurofen plus every morning with a glass of water in an effort to control the pain. I was also using cocaine and had a €500 a day habit. I tried to kick both habits and addictions on numerous occasions but always failed.

 It wasn’t until I walked through the gates of Tiglin (Teen challenge) in County Wicklow, that I was finally delivered and set free. It was in Tiglin, a men’s Christian Rehab centre, that I was introduced to the Lord Jesus Christ. I was born again and entered into a personal relationship with Jesus. Up to this point in my life I had a deep hatred for the English, but it was there also that the Lord softened my heart and I was also set free from that extremely deep rooted hatred of anything English.

I am still patriotic today and would like to see a thirty two county brought about in Ireland, but not the way I used to be. More than that, I would love to see Ireland, both North and South, United under the blood and banner of Jesus. I understand now that it won’t be brought about about bullets, bombs and the armalite but by God’s word and the Holy Spirit. To see revival in the Republic that I love so much and to see it sweep into Northern Ireland also. The Lord has blessed me so much since He saved me. He brought me a beautiful and godly wife in the shape and form of Lisa and has my relationship with my two children. 

          I was set apart in Adullam church as a deacon earlier this year and it has been an honour, joy and privilege to serve the Lord in this capacity. I also lead worship and am very much involved in the different outreaches that the church is involved in. God is good.


Patrick's Story

Hi, my name is Patrick. I was born in 1990, in the Coombe

hospital in Dublin. As a child I grew up in Marrowbone Lane

in Dublin’s inner city I had a very happy childhood living

in the flats.  My parents were Roman Catholics so I had

heard about Jesus, but I did not have a personal

 relationship with him. Both of my parents worked.

My father worked as a security guard but was also

heavily involved in the Republican movement and

the IRA. As a child I always wanted to join the IRA

but didn’t actually join u til I was twenty years of age.

As a child and teenager I was surrounded by alcohol

and music. There was also a lot of arguments in

the house but there were also some amazing

happy times. I grew up loving music and learned to

play a number of instruments. This led  to me joining

and playing in a number of different dance and

music groups. As a teenager I was always against

drugs as my father was a very active member in

a movement known as “Concerned parents against drugs”. Because of that, I was hated by all of the other kids in the flats as I was looked upon as the odd one out.  I sensed very strongly that I was different, kind of the black sheep of the flats. I started to play Gaelic football and hurling, but that stopped when at twenty years of age , I joined the IRA.I didn’t stay with them very long as my addiction to alcohol and drugs had grown very strong. During those years, I found myself in extremely difficult and dangerous circumstances and situations. Some of them I really believed that I was not going to get out of alive. Looking back now, I realise that it was the Lord Jesus Christ who got me out of them as He had a specific and special purpose and man for my life. I moved to Spain and met the Mother of my son there. Unfortunately whilst I was there, I sunk even deeper into my drug and alcohol addiction. I also got very deep and involved in reading angel cards, fortune telling and other occultic practices, which I don’t want to go into here. I made some money from fortune telling and was slowly sinking deeper and deeper into misery and sin. One night when using ecstasy I overdosed , but again the Lord came to my recur and I was successfully brought back from the brink. On my return to Dublin, I was invited to church by a friend, where I gave my life to the Lord.  However I was still running with the hare and chasing with the hound! I was still dabbling with drugs and alcohol and also sinning sexually.

       In 2019 I met my now wife Janna, and we got married. A year after we were married an accident occurred that was going to change my life forever. It was a day that I will never ever forget until the Lord brings me home. 

       It was the 21st of April 2020 and I was working as a forklift driver. It was a working day like any other day and I was driving a forklift in the extremely busy warehouse. At about 12.00 pm a forklift with its prongs extended crushed me completely. I will never forget the pain, it was absolutely excruciating, yet I didn’t pass out.  As my life flashed before my eyes, I genuinely believed that I was going to die. I realise now that once again the Lord directly and deliberately once again intervened in that situation.

I was rushed by ambulance to hospital where I spent the next three months. The doctors kept me in a medically induced coma  for three weeks as they had to amputate my leg from the waist down.

During those three weeks of my induced coma, I had the most horrific dreams.  I realise now that they were satanic and demonic in nature.  In those dreams and nightmares, I was constantly being attacked by two women who were offering and covering my body from head to toe with every type and kind of drug imaginable. Heroin, cocaine, crack, ecstasy, and everything else you can think off.

I knew, in my dream that they were doing everything in their power to drag me to hell. Not only that, but I was constantly being reminded of every sinful and vile acts that I had committed. It was the most horrific, horrible and horrendous part of my life. On coming out of that coma, the Lord led me to turn to my Bible, and in particular to Romans 10: 9-10. “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

        Following that, I had an amazing and incredible encounter with the Lord that changed my life forever.  I confessed my sins to him and repented and rededicated my life to him and the Lord wonderfully restored me to Himself.

         Following on from that, in due course the Lord led me to Adullam church where I now use the gift that the Lord gave me to lead worship with other like minded individuals. I also get involved in the different outreaches in the church, in the areas and districts similar to where I grew up in order to share the Gospel message with them. Finally, I know what my real purpose in life is and that is to serve him in whatever area He has planned for me.  He has blessed me with an incredible wife, son and church family and for that I praise and bless Him every day. The best is yet to come.

Geoff's Story

Before I entered into a personal relationship with Jesus, I knew of him, but I didn’t actually know Him. 

From a child I had always believed in God, but didn’t know him either. Before I was born again, my life was absolutely meaningless. No purpose or plan whatsoever, just drifting from one disaster to another. I had money and material possessions but no spiritual peace whatsoever. My journey through life was just a long list of failures and major disappointments. Due to my substance and alcohol abuse my life had become chaotic and completely unmanageable. Then I met a Christian who explained the Gospel message to me and introduced me to Jesus. It was only then that I came to understand that it was only through Jesus that a sinner like me could be saved. I was born again very soon after that encounter. Now He is my Saviour, King and Lord. Since my conversion, he has shown me incredible love, peace and wisdom from above. He is now a light and a lamp to my feet. Jesus has saved me and has given me the power to take control of my life.  For the first time in my life I have peace and a purpose for my life.

 I know trust and lean on him as opposed to trusting and leaning on myself and others. Earlier this year I was baptised in water in Glendalough Upper Lake in County Wicklow.  A few weeks after that I was set apart as a deacon in the church and enjoy serving in that role. I love the outreaches from the church, particularly anything to do with the homeless, and those addicted to drugs and alcohol. I now know that the only hope they have is Jesus. I look forward to seeing what the Lord has for me in the future.

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